Friday, December 14, 2012

Little Dragon...

Big Shark
2012 Necklace of the year! In the year of the Dragon, no less.
One of many gifts from the best man on planet earth... My husband. 
*Warning: Blond may seem brighter than it really appears. Ha.
Mama told me..
Happy Friday!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Eat My Shorts...

Before & After
I realize i've neglected the shit out of my blog for the better part of 2012... But it wasn't the best year for me. Bouts of crippling depression/anxiety along with simply not giving a fuck is my excuse.
Hoping to have a more positive year to post about in 2013.
But this...
I HAD to share.
Best birthday present, EVER...
 from the best husband, EVER.